Tag Archives: recpies

Trout with Stewed Tomatoes, Fennel and Leeks

15 Mar

I went to Reading Terminal Market yesterday.  That place gets me every time.  So much food inspiration in one place.  I picked up bags of fruit and vegetables, a few sausages and some seafood.   I love having a fridge full of things to cook.   Dinner on the days I have a full fridge tend to have a little more oomph.  This is one of those meals.  Martin called it fancy and it did feel a little fancy, never mind that it was 4 pm on a Thursday or that Isabella was climbing all over us as we ate.

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Kale & Mushrooms over Parmesan Polenta with a Poached Egg

13 Mar

The sun came out today and drew us outside. Isabella poked around in the dirt, looking for worms, delighted that her little hands were mitten free.  We shed our layers, first coats, then sweaters and stayed at the park as long as possible.

Once home I had a toddler that refused to nap, and no clear direction for dinner.  I managed to have the foresight to cook the kale early, before heading to the park, it took about 15 minutes and bought us a little more time outside. I thought about tossing the vegetables with pasta, or adding stock and beans and making it into a soup.  Searching the cupboards and the internet for inspiration I came across a package of polenta that I had completely forgotten about.  Quick, easy and I could use something in the pantry.

At the very last second I decided to poach an egg and put it on top of the kale.  Once broken, the yolk ran through the dish, picking up little pieces of caramelized onions and mingling with the polenta, the perfect sauce.

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Dinner at 4pm

12 Mar

I miss writing and taking pictures but I have been in some sort of funk.  It seems to be pretty common this time of year.  Spring is just around the corner, hinting, flirting even but taking its sweet time to really stick around.  The last few weeks have been kind of gloomy, we have battled a sore throat, a fever, and a general case of the blahs.

But then this morning’s weather forecast calls for near 70º days all week. Daffodils are blooming at the park and trees that were stark and skeletal a few days ago are suddenly cloaked in tiny pink blossoms.  I put away our heavy coats and organized my dresses by color — bright, bright colors.  I have started craving brighter, lighter food and I want to write about it.

Martin is currently working nights, a schedule that he started last week and continues for a few more. This happens a couple of times a year.  He has to be at work by 6:00 pm, so we eat dinner around 4:00. The early bird special for a month!  Dinner at 4 pm means that we  can have dinner together as a family.  Dinner at 4 pm means that it is still light outside so I can take decent pictures of the meal.  Dinner at 4 pm means that I have a few hours at night to write.  Dinner at 4 pm has led me to take on a bit of a challenge.  If winter was the season of soup for lunch, March will be the month of dinner.

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Malted Chocolate Buttercream

19 Jan

This buttercream served as the filling and topping for the Obey Giant Cake post from earlier today.  My Mom has been marching around my mind lately, in addition to adoring chickpeas, she love, love, loves chocolate malt balls.  I should just call this recipe Lori’s Buttercream.  The addition of crushed chocolate malt balls seals the deal.  This buttercream is fantastic.

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